E-Learning Heroes Challenge 374: Spot the Snake

Alright, it’s a new week so there is a new e-Learning Heroes Challenge to build in Articulate Storyline. This week’s challenge was to:

Share a solution to allow learners to zoom in or magnify parts of an image, graphic, document, or video.

Before I share anything about what I did, I feel the need to say that I learned so much from examples and other entries so far this week and I'm looking forward to seeing other submissions continue to roll in over the next few days. My favorite submissions so far are:

  • Jodi Sansone's Organs of the Human Body does an incredible job with using a slider and graphics to direct your attention to the content.

  • Chris Hodgson's Theme Park utilizes code to prominently display various elements of his design, which is something I didn't even know Storyline could do and will be watching his YouTube channel later to figure out how he did it.

  • Michael Grant's Drum Kit is a really clean design and does a great job isolating the clicked-on element for a closer view and information.

But if you're curious, you can check out the challenge and all of the submissions here.

For my entry, I used a couple of pictures I took from our vacation when a water snake joined our family for some water play. It was pretty well hidden in the grass, so I broke the picture up into various segments and allowed the user to zoom in on a transparent hotspot in any section they clicked on. After finding the snake (or if they clicked the "Ssssssurrender" button, they'd be taken to another page that shows a closeup of the snake and the section of the larger photograph I pulled it from.

You can check out my entry below: